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Perfect Gorilla Trek

Rewards from Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Rewards from Gorilla Trekking in Africa

Perfect Gorilla Trek

Gorilla trekking is one of the best wildlife safari experiences in the world. To many wildlife lovers, gorilla trekking is on top on their bucket list! A large number of travelers travel to East and Central Africa majorly to see the gorillas – meeting gorillas in their natural habitat is a life changing event!

Top Destinations

There are a few destinations where travelers can go gorilla trekking in Africa.

In Africa, you can do gorilla trekking in Nigeria, Gabon, Congo Brazzaville, Central African republic among others.

Some people believe that dying before encountering gorillas is like treason case.

The Virunga Region

It is noted by many travelers that enjoy gorilla safaris to the Virunga region is the best option among all! The Virunga Region combines Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park, the DR Congo’s Virunga National Park and Uganda’s Mgahinga National Park.  Gorilla trekking is Virunga Region rewards the trekkers with wonderful view of the Virunga Mountains which include Karisoke Volcano, Karisimbi Volcano, Mikeno Volcano, Nyiragongo Volcano, Nyamuragira Volcano, Gahinga Volcano among others.

Below are the benefits/ skills obtained from Gorilla Trekking:

The exercise done or the walk to meet gorillas, reward trekkers physical fitness .The trek involves moving through slippery trails, crossing rivers, climb hills among others.

Each gorilla group is visited by the maximum of eight people under the guidance of ranger guides. There is a sense of team work created – the group work together for the common goal of meeting Gorillas.

Trekkers obtain skills of photographing – it is a big mistake to trek gorillas without a camera, this is a life time event and you need to return back home with evidences of the exercise/ experience.  As you take many photos of Gorillas, you gain more skills on how to take clear photos.

Climbing hills and sloping into valleys while trekking Gorillas is an initial practice for serious mountaineering. The exercise prepares you for future mountain climbing exercise.

Trekkers gain techniques of answering questions – rangers are readily available to answer all the questions asked by trekkers. The more questions you ask, the more knowledgeable you become and the more questioning skills you gain.

Trekkers gain observation skills – as you look at the gorilla critically, you slowly learn how to observe things and make reasonable analysis.

As you grasp information about gorillas (information given by ranger guides) – you learn more about their behaviors, feeding habits, how they sleep, how they defend them selves among others. The information can be used by bloggers to promote their websites hence promoting business.

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